Pink Buckle Sale Radiograph Requirements

Required 2 weeks before the sale.

Horses 2 and under:

Fetlocks:  AP and Lateral all 4 fetlocks

Knees: Medial and Lateral obliques

Hocks: AP, Lateral, and

Stifles: Lateral and PA

Horses 3 and over:

Fore Feet: AP, Lateral, DP 65 degree, and skyline view

Fetlocks:  AP and Lateral all 4 fetlocks

Knees: Medial and Lateral obliques

Hocks: AP, Lateral, and PLDMO

Stifles: Lateral and PA

Please have your vet upload them to Asteris. Broodmares excluded. If your vet needs a code for Asteris they can call Barb Garrett at 940-390-8489

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  • For existing Asteris archiving customers, please contact Asteris Technical Support for assistance connecting your account to submit to the repository